Thursday, 2 May 2013


5th of January 2013

I created a blogger account for my coursework to be posted on which will allow the examiner to have be able to access my work at the click of a button.

13rd of January 2013

I have started to analyse magazine covers, double page spreads and content pages from music magazines, such as vibe and fobs while doing this I have noted the good and bad things about each of these magazines so I have a clear idea of how my magazine should look and how small details can change a lot, while doing this have also been creating rough ideas for my magazine to create a unique style.

26th of January 2013

Now I have finished researching for my music magazine, I have now starting to think how my magazine should look and the main things i need to do like making shore my ideas attract my target audience  and how I can apply all the important information to my magazine but in an appealing way.

3nd of February 2013

After planning how I want my magazine to look as a draft I now know that my main details are the photography’s for my double page spread and my front cover because they are the two most important pages in my magazine and I will have to get an appropriate location to take them in.

14th of February 2013

After some more research on other music magazines and other genres of music, I now have a good idea of how I want my final magazine to look I started practice session with Photoshop to increase my understanding and technical skills to be able get the best quality and also a unique final magazine, I know feel more confident in using Photoshop CS5 and CS6.

19th of February 2013

Now I'm accustom to using Photoshop I am now thinking about what I want to display in my magazine and how, I have started looking at magazine text, articles, Magazine layouts and magazine titles which is some of the most important and   interesting information that I want  to put in my magazine. I have started to plan out where my article and the big winners list will go on my magazine.

22nd of February 2013

I have now started to create my front cover, double page spread and content page and also my articles as well as started editing some of my images that will be on my magazine.


The purpose of this unit it to build up your skills of planning and constructing media products using appropriate technical skills using a wide range of different programs like CS6 and CS5 and learn how to evaluate and analyse your own and other peoples work to a high standard and also to be able to assess your unique side and show your creative skills and build up your researching skills and apply them to your work.

This is a coursework unit, internally assessed and externally moderated. You will produce a media artefact in response to the brief set. You will also show your evidence of research and planning. The task provides progression from a pre-production, preliminary exercise to a more fully realised piece in the same medium.  This means that skills development will be assessed, as well as final finished piece.

Design Brief

Preliminary exercise: Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a students in medium close-up also some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. You must also produce a mock-up of your layout of the content page to demonstrate your grasp of the program.

Main Tsk: The front page, content and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text must be original and produced by you. You must have a minimum of four images

Marking criteria
The unit is market out of 100: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research, 60 marks for the construction and 20 marks for the evaluation.

Research, planning and also the evaluation must all be presented electronically. In your case you will create a blog that records your planning and research processes and also provide your evaluation of the finished portfolio.  

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

My magazine drafts

 This is my content page draft for my magazine i have created a good layout that i think will attract the audience I'm trying to target, the title Blow has been put in the top left hand corner because you naturally read from the left so it will be the first bit of information you read and the most important bit because this magazine is also marketing the company name, i have advertised the record label in the corner because its important  but does not need to be centre of the page, the numbers have been set behind a line to separate them from the titles.
 This is my front cover draft i have used the name Blow through out the magazine and in the same position to create template, i think thins looks very good on this type of music magazine, i have also added a bar code because this magazine will be sold in shops and will make it easier for the shops to manage there stock, the Years big winners list has been put on the magazine running down the side who faded into the images of the artist who is advertising my magazine.
This is a draft of my double page spread i have used the same title again Blow but a lot bigger to capture the audience attention, i have also advertised the artist clothing label on the double page spread because it al about him and what he has done in his music career, i have also created a border around my double page spread to make it stand out and also help the image on the right hand side to blend in because its needs a background, i think this will create a wide range of different people to my magazine.

Test shots for my magazine

These are my test shots for my magazine of Stephan we have taken in different locations to try and get a wide range of ideas and choices for my magazine, Stephan fit my idea very well because he has very unique style and will capture the audience I am trying to target, I have taken images of stephan without any musical props because i think I can advertise the music side of the magazine in another way which is very different compared to other magazines.

I am still deciding if I'm to use these images on my magazine because i am still making changes for the better while i create my magazine.

Creating my Blow Magazine

Final Blow Magazine

Sunday, 31 March 2013

My magazine evaluation

My Magazine Evaluation 

For my magazine i have used a BOLD font tinted in grey and a smoked background to make the title stand out and catch the audience attention this makes my magazine look very unusual, The title is overlapping the large portrait image of ashley david witch gives the magazine more of a striking  look because the grey title is overlapping a black background, for my magazine i have also used a wide range of colours from white, blue, green, grey, black and also red witch make it more appealing to a wider range of audience, my magazine has also advertised a large number of celebrity music artist that are well known world wide and will attract fans to buy my magazine.

After being given feed back on my magazine I changed the colours from black to Red to make the words stand out more and also catch the readers attention a lot more, i also turned the more important information into a different colour to catch the readers attention, after reading my feedback i decided to start from scratch on my double page spread because it was a bit bland and didn't impress my target audience.

Forbes has all been advertised on my magazine because they are the hosts of The Big Year's Winners witch is a very important even for the music industry because puts all the artist in ranks of best sellers of the year, Most profited artist, Lyricist of the year and other categories this will help attract all the Forbes press and fans to my magazine, This magazine is targeted at all types of music artist, fashion designers and all types of members of public that are into fashion and music.

My magazine is targeted at 15-45 year olds that are into the latest fashion, newest artist industry and also most popular music celebs that have famous history, this magazine has been created to appeal to all ages because i have used a wide range of ages of artist in magazine witch is appeal to older people.

While constructing my magazine i have learnt the ins and outs of photoshop and what can be done to give you the best finish in quality and extraordinary designs from using an existing font from something and adapting it to be even better, i am know able to edit images and fade them into layers to create the best effects possible and create texts and fonts that would attract a wide audience.